Need help with Integrated vs preamp/amp

Hi, I am new here and back into audio. I moved into a condo awhile back and sold all my higher end stuff and bought a Denon AV received with KEF surrounds and that was my system. I did keep my Legacy Classic speakers in hopes of one day rekindling my obsession.

So here I am starting again.

I have been doing somer research and have always been interested in the Acurus and Aragon stuff. I am thinking about a used DIA 100 mk2 integrated amp in the $350 range. Then I started looking at a RL 10 preamp with an A150 or A250 amp that I would have reworked with Ken Ealey. That looks like it will cost me around $1400. Then I thought I am going to need a DAC anyways, so why not look at the NAD C375 BEE with optional DAC. Used I can find this around $900. There is my dilemma. I'll be honest, the $1400 is a bit more than I want to spend right now, but I can do that in stages, buying the preamp and amp before mods is around $550-$650 which is more reasonable.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.
So I decided to audition a Peachtree Nova 125se.  I'll see how that sounds to start with.  I might still pick up the DIA100 mk2 to try out as well, if I don't like it I can always resell it.  From there I will keep going until I find what I like......
You might purchase the DIA100 first and try it. If you feel it is not ideal then take it along for comparison to other amps under audition.
stalbrecht, I had owned a Nova 125 - not the 'se' version though, for over two years. It's a fantastic integrated amp and I did enjoy it quite a bit when I had it. It has a great DAC, which I think is its main strength.

A few months ago, I purchased B&W CM10s and the limitations of the Nova were immediately apparent. What used to sound clear and sparkly became harsh, to my ears at least. But my biggest gripe was that there was hardly any base.

I replaced the Nova 125 with a Parasound A23 and P5. And I can tell you from my experience, that this combo far surpasses the sound I was getting from the Nova. Although, the A23 has the same number of watts, it really takes control of my CM10s. So far, I'm loving the sound.

I might move up to the A21 when funds are available, but I've become a Parasound fan after trying Peachtree, Rotel (separates) and NAD (a few years ago).
I received the Nova 125se and so far I can't complain.  The DIA100 mk2 arrives wednesday and I will starting comparing them side by side.  The problem is that I need to get an external DAC for the DIA100.  Any suggestions on that?  I am looking in the $400 range new or used.  
As a longtime PTA owner I can tell you swapping out the unbranded Chinese tube for NOS will move the amp into another level of performance.As for a DAC what inputs do you need?Without knowing I'ld recommend the Peachtree Audio DAC iTx.