Needle just gets stuck in a particular spot of the record ! What is going on?

Never experienced anything like that. I just bought this Japanese record, and though there are many hairlines it plays almost perfectly except for this spot. If you look at it while it's happenning the stylus moves back and forth endlessly and the same phrase keeps repeating forever without any noticeable distortion. I cannot see anything suspicious under a very strong light. The record is very clean, I cleaned it twice on a machine with Audio Intelligent three step system.
So what the hell is this? Groove wall damage? This is a Japanese record from seventies, I have a number of them from that time. That vinyl is excellent.

I purchased "Are You Experienced" special edition, audiophile vinyl, numbered edition, etc. about 20 years ago and never played it until this year.There is an impassible spot in one song; A bridge from one groove-side to the next. From now on, will play all new vinyl to look for defects. I can probably use the straight pin (suggested by Oregonpapa) so will wait and see...

The record is not really valuable, anyway. Penny on top? Each time I play this side? No way. Or changing the tracking force each time. To hell with it, I got two more copies.
If not tracking near maximum tracking force for your cart try upping that.   Also make sure anti skate is not set too high. 
The tracking force is set just a little higher than average, I had it near minimum before, but it sounds better this way. The anti-skate is less than medium. Overall this is best to my liking for the records I listen to.
No other record like this, I have a few badly scratched ones and the stylus just goes through, with terrible sound but it goes through. Also, some of the records were so dirty before cleaning that they appeared to have gone through centuries of I don't know what. They play okay.
Dweller, you noted 
I purchased "Are You Experienced" special edition, audiophile vinyl, numbered edition, etc. about 20 years ago and never played it until this year.There is an impassible spot in one song; A bridge from one groove-side to the next.
Made me laugh - I have clear vinyl RYKO copies of LIve at Winterland and Radio One from maybe 25 years ago or so.  One of them (can't remember which one now) has what sounds like the same fault.  Haven't played it on my current rig, so can't confirm if it's actually a bridge.  Have to pull them out and run a test.

I also recall that one spot of a tune off Genesis' Wind & the Wuthering has something that sounds a bit like a slow static discharge in the middle of an acoustic guitar passage on every single copy I ever purchased, import or domestic.  That one must be in the master tape, but I never got a digital copy to see if it was edited out.  Another point of detail to explore sometime.

That's why we do the audiophile thing, I guess - to find all the joys of music.

Happy listening!