Apartment Drama

Hi- I recently moved from my house to a 2nd floor apt with 1 apt on each side and 1 below. 3pm today I turned my stereo on for the 1st time. Low volume IMO. Hard to describe but no problem having a conversation without even raising my voice. within 10 minutes my neighbor knocked on my door acting irratated demanding I turn the volume down. WTF? Now what. Do I have any rights or do I have to obey this jerk?
Long overdo update. Sold the big floorstanders, bought some Grado cans and a tube amp and couldn't be happier. And the neighbor is still an ass !
I, like Liz, live in a Senior development. Been here for 21 years this year. I've had a music system ever since I moved in. Sometimes I play at pretty high volumes.  I communicate with my neighbors from time to time to ask them if my music ever bothers them. Almost all of them tell me that they never hear it. So ... all is good. But then it occurred to me that most of my neighbors are so old they can't hear well.

That's what happens when you live in a Senior development where the average age is deceased.