DC Metro -- New

I would like to see what level of interest there is in re-starting a Washington-DC area Audio Society. F2Audio held a meeting in Falls Church last summer that was well attended. Unfortunately, the attendance list no longer exists. F2Audio is closing and being replaced by Command Performance AV (same owner Jeff). I am willing to host an upcoming meeting at our location in Falls Church. I am sure we could get a manufacturer to speak to us. I was thinking of having a meeting towards the end of Sept. What might be fun for an October meeting is to have mini-trip reports of what was cool at Rocky Mountain Audio Fest.

I am open to suggestions as to topics or if someone else would rather host. My goals are to 1) try to get the Society going and 2) this time keep it going.

If anyone is interested in a meeting please post here AND email me at jeff@commandav.com so that I can send updates to everyone via email.

-- Jeff
Ag insider logo xs@2xcommandav
I'm still out there in Northern Maryland area and always interested in all things audio, especially if local.
Count me in as someone interested in joining some of my fellow DC-area audiophiles someday (I'm in Baltimore).

Jeff, count me in as a prospective member. I actually live in Falls Church City, blocks from your new location. I'm excited to have you going B&M, and to have you in FCC. I wonder if you can capitalize on proximity of CD Cellar, that just opened a vinyl room upstairs this year to go with CD rooms in basement of their Rt. 7 location. They had 300 people in line when their door opened on Record Store Day this spring.

Looking forward to this group coming together,

Bob Clarke