Speakers that are very accurate sounding but don't produce an emotional connection.

I have listened to a few speakers over the years that impressed me with their accuracy and presentation of the music, but just did not create an emotional response or connection. I have often wondered what that quality is in some speakers that produce an emotional connection with the listener. This quality has been identified by audiophiles, as "magical", "engaging"  "just right"  "euphonic"  "natural"  "true to life". " "satisfying"  "musical"....  I am sure there are at least 50  other  adjectives that could describe this "quality" of  sound . 

Considering the various aspects  of achieving  good and accurate sound by component synergy, is there a way to explain this so-called magical element that often eludes so many of us??.  I don't think such a feeling is temporal, conditioned by personal moods, or the phases of the moon or sun.  

Like to hear from members who have given some thought to the same issue.    Thanks,  Jim   

BTW, I know the thread is a bit out there, but  I don't think the topic is pointlessly pursuing the genie in the bottle. 


Sometimes it is the type/quality of amplifier driving the speakers that can make the difference.  As an example, I heard the large TAD speakers driven by a solid state amplifier that did everything "correctly" but sounded cold and clinical when I listened to music; when the amp was switched out for a hybrid tubed amplifier the sound came to life and was involving, something I could happily live with.

I've heard multi-hundred thousand dollar systems that just leave me bored. On the other hand ... have you ever heard a pair of properly set up Harbeth speakers??
Any system, regardless of price, can provide that emotional connection.  Every system I've had started at a point where I had to work it to attain that emotional connection. Adding some new piece of gear pointed me in the right direction but it couldn't do it by itself. Sometimes (after awhile) that new piece of gear had to go. 

It could be the amp, speaker, or even a cable that completed the system.
And, it was never that particular piece alone, to begin with. 

We all have individual tastes and all it takes is what's necessary to make it convincing. It can never be real. But convincing is all it takes to complete the emotional connection.

All the best,

Interesting thread Sunny, Somthing I have pondererd on more than one occasion. I’ve always been a fan of old ADS speakers for this reason. I had actually started a thread about it a few years ago when I was looking for a modern speaker that possesed the same magic. It took me a long time to find one. I also makes me wonder if there are speakers out there that have measured poorly but somehow just sounds right.
What speakers have you heard that you feel have these qualities?