To Chrasani 37. I am sure I got your blog name wrong. Nevertheless, I have not heard anything recently that knocked me out. Two years ago, I heard a pair of YG Carmel (original ). They did many of things that reviews claimed, especially the TAS review. From my perspective, they sounded commanding in how they present and handled the music. Unfortunately, the shop owner has/had a bad habit of playing what he liked, which at moment, was jazz piano. The Carmel speakers just delivered the sound in full, no gaps of incoherency or variations in sound level. The sound was real, in the room, and visceral. Did it create an emotional connection, only to the extent that I was awed by its fullness of presentation. It was neither soft nor understated or sound like a "performance", it was just there, independent of the anomalies of showroom acoustics.
The YG Carmel is in a class by itself. But as far as engaging, I have to give a nod to two speakers of years past:.... the IMF TLS-80, and the a few years prior to their debut, the Rectilinear 3. a speaker that even if playing in a room of people talking and laughing, the sound just drew you to it. Call it natural, euphonic or whatever,.... the sound came across as "just right" even over the chatter of people in a large room The IMF TLS 80 was that and more with a compelling depth to the sound which was stunning, especially driven by the Crown 300B amp, ARC, or any McIntosh amp of at least 100-200RMS. The McIntosh fattened the sound a bit, but not to any point of distraction or incoherence.