Needle just gets stuck in a particular spot of the record ! What is going on?

Never experienced anything like that. I just bought this Japanese record, and though there are many hairlines it plays almost perfectly except for this spot. If you look at it while it's happenning the stylus moves back and forth endlessly and the same phrase keeps repeating forever without any noticeable distortion. I cannot see anything suspicious under a very strong light. The record is very clean, I cleaned it twice on a machine with Audio Intelligent three step system.
So what the hell is this? Groove wall damage? This is a Japanese record from seventies, I have a number of them from that time. That vinyl is excellent.
Hello Inna.

Have you tried Scotch Magic Tape, the translucent stuff? I cured a similar problem by
1. locating the exact spot on the record
2. cutting off a 5 cm piece of tape, reversing one end back on itself for 1 cm to form a non-sticky tab or handle, and
3. planting the 3 cm sticky tape onto the offending spot, rubbing in strongly, and removing by grasping the tab.

That tab is critical! You need to prevent the full length of tape from permanently affixing to the record!

The minute particle should go with the tape, or maybe on the second try. I tried this after heroic ultra-sonic cleaning, and for the first time since 1959, I was able to hear that track without the skip.

You have not mentioned what kind of RCM you are using but may I suggest taking your brush and going the opposite direction with the cleaning fluid and the rinse.

If you have access to a Spin Clean record cleaner, this is one of those times that they work very well. I use an eye dropper to apply the company specified amount of fluid over the entire surface of both pads. By applying the fluid at the top and bottom of the pads, and the remainder through out the centre of the pads, the lead in portion of the record gets much cleaner. I then go 30 spins in each direction. 15 right, 15 left, 15 right, and 15 left.It's the reversal of the brushes that really gets the gunk out of the grooves.

I have a vacuum RCM, but I still use the Spin Clean first to knock the bark off'em.
Hello terry9,
That's an interesting idea, thank you, I should try it. I guess, I will have to clean the record after that because there will be glue residue from Scotch.
regafan, I use Okki Nokki machine with Audio Intelligent three step cleaning system and Disc Doctor brushes. The motor can revolve the platter in both directions, that was one of the reasons why I bought it. The first step is enzyme pre-cleaner. With this particular record I let it soak for at least 15 minutes before vacuuming off.
I also use the Audio Intelligent three step cleaning system and like it very much. If you are able to correct the situation please be sure to post how you fixed the problem.