NEW Discovery: Getting the Oppo DSD Output to a Dac.

Getting the Oppo DSD Output to a Dac.

I’m no longer using a Preamp. So it’s been a long time since I have been able to play my SACD’s.  I really didn’t want to pay for new digital downloads after paying so much for the many SACD’s that I currently own.

I saw an adapter listed on EBay from China that caught my attention. It costs $18 bucks including shipping! It looks to be well made and fairly small. It comes with a wall wart AC adapter. But, I found that it is not needed. It seems the little adapter gets its power from the HDMI via the Oppo. At one end of the adapter is the HDMI input. The other end outputs Optical or Coaxial and both are assessable at the same time.

Now with this little adapter I have been able to take the extra HDMI output from my Oppo 95 and convert that output digitally to my PS Audio Direct Stream Dac.  And, it is outputting the DSD stream! The PS Direct Stream Dac shows 24/88.2 Hz as the input. Now, I can now play my SACD’s again and they sound fantastic!

So, I have been copying my SACD’s into my hardrive. To do this, I first copy the 24/88.2Hz signal using my Tascam DA 3000 onto a SD card. Just for the heck I’m also recording that Oppo output at 24/192 HZ. Then I simply transfer that recording to my Hardrive.

Here is the link.



The Direct Stream shows 24 bit with 88.2 sampling rate which is the same as the SACD output. But it does show PCM if that matters.

The point some are trying to make is that you are not outputting a DSD signal to an external D/A.  The Oppo is internally converting the DSD stream to a PCM stream.  I imagine there is a menu setting that will let you adjust the sample rate/bit depth of the converted signal.  The thread title makes it sound as if you were actually getting the Oppo to output a DSD signal.
I guess you shout check out the new Bryston BDA-3 DAC that can accept DSD over HDMI from your Oppo. Just a thought.

onhwy61, I agree I screwed up on the title and wish I could change it but I can't. Still, I have received many comments such as yours on he subject , so maybe that's a good thing.

 just found out that my Bryston BDP-2 that even if I could send it in true DSD the Bryston does not support it. 

So far not interested in the Bryston BDA-3 over the Direct Stream.

Ozzy, the Oppo 105D outputs true native DSD via its USB (the one on the back, not the spare USB inputs on the front). Regular 105 and other models don't do this (unless I missed a recent change within last 6 months). 
Your comments tell us that you prefer the sound of the Direct Stream DAC to the sound of the DAC built in to the 95, which makes sense. 
Too bad the 95 doesn't have a headphone amp/jack because then you could compare PCM converted vs DSD files of same tracks by headphone to decide what differences are important enough to drive your direction. Cheers,