How many use Vintage Hi-Fi systems?

I was wondering, how many here use a Vintage Hi-Fi as their main stereo? Please give details as to your equipment. I use Citation 17 preamp, Citation 16A amplifier, Sony TC-755 reel to reel, Dual 1229 (with Grace 747 tonearm), Nakamichi OMS4 CD player Advent 201A cassette and Definitive Technologies BP10 speakers. I have many audiophile friends who trade up constantly. I bought a system that I enjoy and have kept it. Oh, and I still love it! Friends are floored by how musical it is. Your thoughts please.
I'm currently using an Accuphase E-303 integrated amp and T-103 tuner. Both are outstanding, and easily stand up to many newer and even contemporary models.
I just don't see how a receiver can compete with a separate amp and preamp of high quality. Receivers were meant to do everything well and pack so much into one box. They aren't going to have the drive and punch of a separate amp and preamp when driving difficult loads. I know we are talking about cream of the crop receivers but still in comparison to higher end separates that are able to really drive power hungry speakers I don't see how they can? However, I didn't buy my receivers to compete with higher end separates but I know they still sound awesome and will enjoy them for years (hopefully)  :)

Kensonic!  I love Accuphase gear.  When it first became available they directly compared it the build quality of McIntosh when it was reviewed.  

I agree with you 100%.  They leave very little to improve upon.  

Thanks Norman.

Luxman was also considered to by high-class from that period in Japan, and I have owned one of their very good receivers from the '70s. But this Accuphase integrated amp is outstanding!

I also had it serviced and re-capped, which does makes an important difference with 40+ year-old gear.

What's interesting is that the '70s was a period in which Japan was out to prove itself on a world stage, and not only with audio. Seiko had begun to do so with watches in the '60s, and of course the major Japanese car companies were also beginning their ascent in foreign markets.


I wonder if one of the reasons older gear can really shine today is due to the vast improvements in cables & interconnects. Those allow there true performance to come through. Thoughts?