Ohm Walsh Micro Talls: who's actually heard 'em?


I'd love to hear the impressions of people who've actually spent some time with these speakers to share their sense of their plusses and minuses. Mapman here on Audiogon is a big fan, and has shared lots on them, but I'm wondering who else might be familiar with them.
Tate, never fear, someone will be along on this thread at some point! Seems like it goes through little spells of activity, but eventually as Mapman did, somebody will catch up to things sooner or later.

Glad the Ohms are doing their thing as well as your gear. Enjoy your music and don't get in too big of a hurry to change anything. It will all get there at some point! 

Yes, thanks Frazeur1.
I wanted to get the system to a certain point and then go slow.

On my B&K preamp/tuner my only comment is that the tuner part doesn't seem to be very good (no bass), but otherwise it is fine.

I did buy a pair (one set) of Morrow Audio MA1 interconnects and I wasn't sure if they would be more effective between the preamp and the power amp or between the CD player and the preamp.

Any thoughts there?
IC between amp and pre-amp will affect all sources, not just CD.   You need to try both and decide which option works best for all the sources you care about.   If just CD, it may not matter much but no way to know for sure with out trying both listening and deciding yourself.  
Thanks mapman, but I will have to wait on the IC comparison as I recently blew out the 30 year old surrounds on my Walsh 2s. This explains why I was losing the bass. The Parasound power amp did the deed.
I sent an email to John Strobeen to see what route I should take (repair or upgrade).
In the meantime, I plan to install a set of Walsh 1s as a stop gap measure until the issue is resolved.
Any comments on the repair vs, upgrade question?
Do the upgrade if you can squeeze it.  The drivers have improved greatly since original Walsh 2s.  I know in that I had Walsh 2s for years (1981 to ~2008) and kept them to compare a/b to my current 100s3s before keeping the 100s.