Tekton vs Decware

I'm looking for a reasonably priced pair of high efficiency floorstanders. I'm giving hard looks at the Tekton Lore, Lore-S, and Decware MG944. Anyone actually heard all of those? Or simply want to throw out an educated guess on their sound differences? I have ample experience w/ Tekton M-Lores, so I have a pretty good idea about the regular Lores, but the others are new to me. Thanks
Glad you like the MG944s. As always, it's always how it sounds in your system that counts.

All the best,
Never heard the Decware, but by default I'd go with them. TO MY EARS, I don't get Tekton or Zu Audio. Way to bright, way in your face. No warmth. No fullness of sound, for lack of a better water, their un-refined speaker.
Based on my sample set of listens to date, I suspect to get "fullness of sound" out of a higher efficiency speaker they have to be pretty large in that they have to be able to do bass more efficiently than most and there are technical limits to what can get out of any driver and box of a particular size. Can’t change the laws of physics. Of course its all relative. Room acoustics alone might be sufficient to tweak more fullness of sound out of a box in some cases.
I bought a pair of Sonist a few months ago. Concerto 4. 97db. Smooth and dynamic. Really happy.
Do yourself a favor and try out a Linear Tube Audio MZ2-S to drive them. I am using the 1 watt from the MZ2 for my Decware ERRx radial speakers and it's the best yet.