For speakers, if you have the room, there's a pair of JM Lab Utopias on A'gon. The seller is asking $12,500. I recently sold a pair in terrific condition for $10,000 so the seller may have some room to lower his price. These speakers are well worth the price and play all genres of music very well.
You could consider them the last set of speakers you may ever need. They're very efficient at 94.5 db and your Dynacos are only 86db so your Parasound JC1s will easily drive them. I've successfully driven them with a 25 watt per channel 845 SET amp (New Audio Frontiers SE). IMHO speakers are the best bang for the buck upgrade you can make in a system.
You could consider them the last set of speakers you may ever need. They're very efficient at 94.5 db and your Dynacos are only 86db so your Parasound JC1s will easily drive them. I've successfully driven them with a 25 watt per channel 845 SET amp (New Audio Frontiers SE). IMHO speakers are the best bang for the buck upgrade you can make in a system.