How to take pictures for selling

To all the people who list,
The first and most important pictures are a CLEAR picture of the front controls and have it on a straight plane. The next is a CLEAR picture of the back of the item or where the output and input are on the item. Then every thing else after that. We who review the items need those pictures.
Most important is good lighting.  Do not use a desk lamp, casts too many shadows.  Use a light source that is somewhat directional but diffused-window light with a piece of white cardboard opposite the light source as a reflector.  Window light works well if its balanced w/ a reflector.

tripod if you have it

make sure if you are using a camera  vs a cellphone is to use a decent f-stop-  F8 is good   set your iso at 800- 400 is better but 800 helps in low light

keep the background uncluttered- use a empty wall or a sheet hung behind the gear but not too close to the gear.
I like to use manual settings with natural lighting (ie the sun through a window whenever possible) and take several bracketing exposure time photos around what initially looks best then choose the one that shows the unit best. I always use a tripod to get the sharpest image with longer exposures, usually over-exposed for a brighter more pleasing shot (loudness wars!) but in dimmer light so lights and indicators on device can be seen clearly along with the rest.