Good looking Towers for < $2000?

Going to upgrade from my Paradigm Studio-20 V5s.  These are on stands. 
I've decided to go with towers this time.  I don't like stands that much.
Anyway, for living room 2ch music.  WAF and attractiveness are important for the living room.
Not looking for black rectangular boxes.
I tend to like moderate/soft levels.   Jazz, folk, classical, new age, some rock.

I am also looking for a bit more bass than the Studio 20s give me (54Hz low-freq).

Salk looks nice and gets great reviews (SongBirds, SongTowers).

How are PSB?   Any other good suggestions?


Your post motivated me to unpack and hookup a pair of those Paradigm Studio 20 V5 that I had in storage.  Wow. I missed the sound of them. (Been running a pair of Studio 10.2 since moving last summer).  
I will probably have to sell them soon so I am interested in following your ad - if you sell them here. 

Paradigm makes some great speakers but that doesn't mean I will always buy them.   

Thanks all.  I certainly am not going to blindly order speakers based on poster feedback.  Instead, I solicit feedback to narrow down my search.  There are way too many brands of speakers out there to audition.  So far, I've auditioned the B&Ws and also a pair of Salk SongTowers a local audiophile owns.  I liked the Salks a lot.  They are a bit on the large side but, they are now on  my short list.  There is a dealer an hour drive away who carries Paradigms.  I'll try to audition some of their towers this week.
Opera makes some beautiful furniture, fast and compellingly tone-full floor standers $$. 

Anxious to see how you compare the Salks to the Paradigms as I've got an eye on them (Salk) too ...  As I mentioned before, I'm using Paradigms..  Please keep us (me) posted ..