How to take pictures for selling

To all the people who list,
The first and most important pictures are a CLEAR picture of the front controls and have it on a straight plane. The next is a CLEAR picture of the back of the item or where the output and input are on the item. Then every thing else after that. We who review the items need those pictures.
No matter what equipment you're using for the pictures, to show them professionally and great, please don't include neither your dog, your wife or children, your night or bathing fleece, your unfinished lunch plates, your sneakers with socks inside or loose pants on your bed or couch, your hairy legs and even your TV with nooz program on. Include only the item you're selling in your pictures, check if you accidentally put your finger over the flash or lens like you sort-of proof-reading the image weather it's good or not good to present it to public and if not good re-take and check again.
Czar, yes, none of that but when desperate sometimes a beautiful model can only help.
Yep especially if you're trying to sell for parts vintage Technics receiver..:-)