These fuses, and aftermarket fuses in general, intrigue me. What is it about them that improves the sound? I am guessing the fact that there there is so much room for improvement means that stock fuses and fuseholders are an impediment in some way to the incoming AC.
In that case, has anyone ever tried to bypass the fuse and wire their gear directly to the AC? I would imagine that configuration (while maybe not being the safest) would be the "holy grail" in the sense that no passive component + connectors can really improve upon a straight unbroken wire.
Or maybe these fuses have some other method of operation (similar to Bybee filters) that enable them to impart their "magic". In the end, I guess one must remain open minded. I use HFT fuses but I cannot really say with authority whether they made any difference. I look forward to trying these out sometime in the near future.