As a next stage I am considering using my CD player as a transport and introducing a DAC into my system this will also enable me to include a network player at a later date. However having checked the output spec of the DAC Beresford Caiman mk11 I have a couple of questions in terms of how output impedance can effect the sound quality . The output voltage of the DAC is 2v which is in line with LSA recommendation but the output impedance is 1k ? appreciate it should be 200 ohms or less ideally . Iwill use with a very low capitance Stager silver solid i/c 0.5 metre length .
Does anyone have experience of using the LSA with output impedance this high and if so what if any effect can it have on the sound / volume control . I love the transparent dynamic sound the LSA currently gives me and wonder if this potential impedance mismatch would have any adverse effect on the sound quality or use of the volume control which
currently operates at 12 o clock , which is generally plenty loud enough