Reading the Magneplanar 1.7 information, the fuse is a 4 amp Fast Blow so do not try these Fast Blow fuses in an amp, preamp, or source.
These fuses are to protect the tweeter and so the RED fuse in this location did not make a difference for limniscale. Hopefully he can return them.
The Sennheiser 800 headphones last night sounded glorious. With the Synergistic Research Black and RED fuses in the headphone system, the soundstage certainly is not just an inside my head sensation. This system also takes advantage of the Synergistic Research A/C wall plugs and the Electronic Circuit Transducers (ECT). The ECT's allowed me to reduce "glare" and really fine tune the qualities I wanted in my system. There is an excellent article (2014) in "Enjoy the Music" that compares several Audio grade A/C wall plugs.
I also like the fact that you can take the fuses and ECT's out of your system without difficulty.
David Pritchard
These fuses are to protect the tweeter and so the RED fuse in this location did not make a difference for limniscale. Hopefully he can return them.
The Sennheiser 800 headphones last night sounded glorious. With the Synergistic Research Black and RED fuses in the headphone system, the soundstage certainly is not just an inside my head sensation. This system also takes advantage of the Synergistic Research A/C wall plugs and the Electronic Circuit Transducers (ECT). The ECT's allowed me to reduce "glare" and really fine tune the qualities I wanted in my system. There is an excellent article (2014) in "Enjoy the Music" that compares several Audio grade A/C wall plugs.
I also like the fact that you can take the fuses and ECT's out of your system without difficulty.
David Pritchard