Synergistic Red Fuse ...

I installed a SR RED Quantum fuse in my ARC REF-3 preamp a few days ago, replacing an older high end fuse. Uhh ... for a hundred bucks, this little baby is well worth the cost. There was an immediate improvement upon installation, but now that its broken in (yes, no kidding), its quite remarkable. A tightening of the focus, a more solid image, and most important of all for my tastes, a deeper appreciation for the organic sound of the instruments. Damn! ... cellos sound great! Much improved attack on pianos. More humanistic on vocals. Bowed bass goes down forever. Next move? .... I'm doing the entire system with these fuses. One at a time though just to gauge the improvement in each piece of equipment. The REF-75se comes next. I'll report the results as the progression takes place. Stay tuned ...

Any comments from anyone else who has tried these fuses?
^^^ Thank you for taking the time in listing those improvements, David. Much appreciated. The SR tweaks and upgrades will become a permanent part of my quest for getting as close to live music in my home as possible. I've really been taken by SR's demos on YouTube. After I'm done with the fuses, the next tweak will be the ECT's. I know folks are getting astounding results from them.  I'm using the Oxaide wall outlet now, but its an old one ... older technology. So, I will be changing the Oxaide out for the SR. 

I've got to say, after being in this hobby for somewhere near 40 years, I've tried most things. NOTHING has been as cost effective, brilliant and such an overwhelming improvement as these SR fuses.  I thought I had a musical, resolving system before, but now I realize just how much more there is. Over the years, I've paid particular attention to reducing micro vibrations in the system to the lowest level possible (at least I think so). Perhaps that's one reason why I'm getting such fantastic results from the fuses. They have been absolutely system changing and stunning. 

When a person such as I, and many others posting here, has an investment in an audio system that would buy a new Mercedes Benz or a Porsche 911, the improvements afforded by the folks at SR is very much appreciated. 

In the next few days I'll be evaluating and reporting on SR's new Level 3 Atmosphere Series AC Cords. They will be put throughout the entire system.

As they break in I'll start a new thread so that this fuse thread can carry on as a fuse thread. 

Thanks again, David. You, Richard and so many others here have been a real inspiration for me. And ... at my age, I need all of the inspiration I can muster. :-)

Stay tuned ...

Papa... If your looking for an fantastic tweak for your system look into a Akiko Audio - Triple AC Power Enhancer. They make tuning sticks in a few different versions,but the Triple would be a good place to start. Just plug it into your ac wall outlet that feeds your system or into your power conditioner and hold on to your hat...

My used Reds arrived and have been placed in the Coincident Franks.  I was skeptical, but there was an immediate improvement, just as promised.  I am glad that the ears I trust in the thread were proven correct.  Maybe when they introduce the next round (Golds maybe?), I'll buy up some people's broken in Blacks.  Looking forward to the arrival of my last 1A so I can open up my DAC.
Hi Cal,
I'm glad you are happy with the SR RED fuses, they're an excellent  tweak in the Frankenstein. It's good to know that you're continuing to enjoy this SET amplifier. 
Looking forward to your Atmosphere power cord thread. Atmosphere cables take longer to break in- equilibrate in a system than many cables.
I suggest 150 to 200 hrs. I do think the UEF technology in the fuses and cables do somehow interact positively with each other.

When replacing the A/C wall receptacle please remember to turn off the circuit breaker before starting the replacement. Make sure it is the correct circuit breaker! Take the time to clean the house wires going to the new duplex. Give the new a/c duplex 7-10 days to fully open up and enjoy.

Not as jaw dropping as installing Black or Red fuses but still helpful is treating the entire audio circuit all the way back to the power company's transformer with a Jim Hagerman FryCorder. This is a "cable conditioner" somewhat like the AudioDharma Cable Cooker but it treats the house circuit. The price is about that of two Black fuses. I have one and like it. I treat my audio circuits about every 4 mouths. I use my system while the FryCorder is plugged in to the system. Hagerman sells direct and he has a web site.

The Marantz SA11-S2 SACD player uses 7 fuses! One power fuse and 6 rail fuses. Each new Black fuse has made a sonic improvement.

These Black fuses also improve the headphone listening experience to a degree I simply did not think possible. With the Synergistic Research Black fuses in place, the Sennheiser 800 and Enigmacoustic Dharma headphones are producing sound stages that are thrilling to experence.

David Pritchard