Has anyone heard the new North American products preamp and amp?

The new versions are called X-10s and the amp is on its third version or Mark III. This truly provides holograph imagine unlike anything I've heard before. On symphonic orchestras, one can hear the first violins. I have never heard an amp sound this precise.

In reality, I doubt if any amplifier can rival it. I certainly have never heard any that do so. Every album is so involving.

The preamp has yet to get a remote but is nevertheless, quite striking.
Oh Geoff

Direct mechanical coupling ..no bed springs in between no rubber in between.
Matching material speed and material shape is a part of maintaining signal continuity. Maintains Dynamica instead of reducing Dynamica.  Tom
Tom wrote,

"Oh Geoff

Direct mechanical coupling ..no bed springs in between no rubber in between.
Matching material speed and material shape is a part of maintaining signal continuity. Maintains Dynamica instead of reducing Dynamica."

Sorry, my way is better. Way better. Apparently you never received the memo about isoaltion. Didn’t you hear the news about gravity waves? They couldn’t have detected them with isolation. By directly coupling only you create a pathway for the seismic and other structureborne vibration to come up into the electronics. And we know that can't be right!  Duh! How long has it been since the Vibraplane was introduced to unsuspecting audiophiles?  Twenty years?  I guess not everyone got the memo. When you guys stovepipe your projects sometimes you miss all the good stuff. You have to do both - isolation and direct coupling. Better head back to the drawing board.


12,877 posts
02-27-2016 10:09pm
Hmm machina dampica? Got a nice ring to it.

Thank you Mask Man
Roger wrote,

"The most startling aspect of the analog "jitter" is how bad it is compared to other destructive forces caused by the physical world. The unstable velocity in the amplifier happens at nano-scopic levels (far below measurable levels). But again - knowing it is there and making attempts to catch it happening based on [theory] is no different than you placing lead weights on boxes and draping your cables over insulators knowing that you are blindly affecting the issue."

pretty sure that entire paragraph is another one of those false arguments, you know....a Strawman argument.  What is illogical about it?  Well, for starters, we have the capability to measure things that are nano scale.  Actually the way CD players work is based on the geometry calculation of how the quantum mechanical laser reads the nanoscale data on the disc.  Now, just because the data is nano scale and the laser beam is nano scale doesn't mean that the laser reading operation is quantum mechanical.  It's not.  The only thing quantum mechanical about the entire process is the CD laser! like all lasers, you know being a quantum well. Obviously we have the capability to measure the nano scale data on the CD otherwise the Reed Solomon error detection correction wouldn't work. Another perhaps even more dramatic example of the the ability to measure nano scale phenomenon or waves or matter is the recent announcement that the LIGO project finally observed gravity waves. This announcement was actually made only a couple of weeks ago. Now, why is this relevant?  Because the amplitude of the gravity waves that LIGO detected was on the order of the diameter of a neutron.  That's what we call nano scale. So, with this measurement by LIGO we don't have to be theorizing or stumbling around wondering whether gravity waves exist or whether black holes exist or, by extension, whether the Big Bang is real. 

geoff kait
no goats no glory