OPPO BDP 103/105, sound quality???

I'm looking for player that will play Blu-ray, SACD, DVD-audio and CD's.
That also sounds pretty great. I realize with a budget of $1K, I'm not going
to get Esoteric sound. But there must be "Universal" options
that sound pretty damn good? Any help would be appreciated.


Oppo 105

By the way, I home auditioned a $4000 Esoteric CD player and no way was it worth $3000 more than the Oppo 105.


Hi lucidear,

This was in 2103 and it was the SA-10.

This was before Ric Schultz modified my Oppo 105.


I believe you would want to run the Oppo analog outputs for SACD and Blue Ray playback as the Jolida DAC is only PCM.  
I have the 105, and It's great, and I second the others who say buy it and call it a day.  However, playing Devil Advocate, why do you need a Universal Player?  Will there be many SACDs, Blue Rays, and possibly DVD-As being played?  If not,perhaps spend as much as you can on a good DAC