I've had several corporate relocations over the last 25 years. My audio equipment was always a concern, but I've always known that most of it is replaceable / repairable so any damages would be paid by the moving company. I've got a lot of audio gear and it's been rare when something (speakers is most cases) didn't get even a slight bit of damage. I've made claims to what the damage was worth to me and have been satisified in most cases. I'm probably worried more about my music collection as while most is replaceable, some would be diffiult if not impossible to find. I've now got a list of every piece of music I own and did not always have that in previous moves. The list comes in handy when moving, but the actual reason I did it is because I started buying music that I already owned and needed this list available on my phone to prevent repeat purchases. Despite all this, I was probably worried most about my Corvette, though it was probably close.