Synergistic Red Fuse ...

I installed a SR RED Quantum fuse in my ARC REF-3 preamp a few days ago, replacing an older high end fuse. Uhh ... for a hundred bucks, this little baby is well worth the cost. There was an immediate improvement upon installation, but now that its broken in (yes, no kidding), its quite remarkable. A tightening of the focus, a more solid image, and most important of all for my tastes, a deeper appreciation for the organic sound of the instruments. Damn! ... cellos sound great! Much improved attack on pianos. More humanistic on vocals. Bowed bass goes down forever. Next move? .... I'm doing the entire system with these fuses. One at a time though just to gauge the improvement in each piece of equipment. The REF-75se comes next. I'll report the results as the progression takes place. Stay tuned ...

Any comments from anyone else who has tried these fuses?
Can you explain just what is used in fuses to create the different amperage ratings that then influence failure at the indicated rating? From pictures, I have always thought that the filament sizes/widths are increased to achieve the higher ratings in otherwise same-type fuses, and this would to my thinking also indicate a reduction in resistance or, as you stated, more of a straight wire approach.
That sounds exactly right to me, JA. And that is borne out by examination of the detailed technical datasheets that are provided by the leading manufacturers of non-audiophile fuses. Within a given series of fuses, that are similar in most respects other than their current ratings and "melting points," resistances become progressively lower as current ratings increase.

I’ll add that I would expect in general that the characteristics and behavior of fuses in speaker applications figure, IMO, to be much more critical than in the case of many and probably most electronic component applications. First, it doesn’t seem highly unreasonable to expect the small fraction of an ohm resistance of these fuses to constitute an audibly significant fraction of the impedance of many speakers. And of course fuses in passive speakers (and some fuses in active speakers) directly conduct the audio signal, or at least some of its frequency components, as opposed to a mains fuse or a DC rail fuse in a component. Also, since the resistance of a fuse varies somewhat as a function of the amount of current it is conducting, the fluctuations of that resistance as a function of the dynamics of the music will be greater in a speaker application than in the case of most electronic component applications. With the fluctuations in themselves perhaps having audible consequences. Finally, in the case of mains fuses in electronic components, if the AC line voltage at a particular location happens to be significantly greater than whatever voltage the component was designed to sound best at (presumably 120 volts in most cases, for equipment sold in the USA), it seems conceivable that more fuse resistance could actually sound better than less, since it would result in slightly less voltage being applied to the component. But that possibility would not be applicable in the case of a fuse in the audio signal path of a speaker.
... are you thinking of accepting the SR fuse challenge in one of your own components?
As I mentioned earlier in the thread, I suspect I’ll give one of the SR black fuses a try at some point, probably initially in my CDP. But right now and in the coming weeks I’m focusing on other priorities in my system, including a repair the CDP is undergoing, a repair I’ll be attempting to do myself on my vintage tuner, and break-in of my AT-ART9 cartridge and subsequent finalization of the related tonearm adjustments.

Best regards,
-- Al

P.S: Thanks very much to Charles for the kind words he posted yesterday.

I certainly look forward to almarg's impression of the Synergistic Research Black fuses. I found it to be a fascinating science experiment that then yielded major sonic improvements.

This weekend I had the unusual opportunity to hear the Julliard String Quartet play the same program at two different venues. The second venue was the newly acoustically treated performance hall at the University of Texas at El Paso. This hall reminded me of the sound changes going from a system with stock fuses to a system with Black fuses. 

David Pritchard
mapman - your experience was similar to mine when trying the AH Black Platinum Fuse vs the fuse I have in my ARC Ref 3 Preamp.  

Only a very subtle difference... and... the fuse I have in my ARC Ref 3 Preamp sounds like it may even be better in some respects (clarity, detail resolution, dynamics for the most part, and maybe a bit brighter).   While the AH fuse may have a bit richer sound.  

For the most part, the difference that I seem to detect (not sure because it's so subtle) seems like the difference in the sound of silver interconnects vs silver coated copper interconnects, or OFC copper interconnects.  

I do not call the fuse in my ARC Ref 3 Preamp the "stock fuse," because I don't know if it is the "stock fuse."  The element in it does not look like most fuses (a straight wire, or coiled wire), it has a more complex element, which looks somewhat like a resistor in a glass tube.  So, it may not be the "stock fuse" - it does sound superb, whatever it is.  

Whatever... I had expected a much more discernable difference in the sound for a $100+ tweek.  

Al, thanks for an understandable comparison of how fuses interact differently according to their applications.  I will stay close to the stock ratings in my mains fuses and will continue to push the ratings in my Maggies as I move from SR reds to blacks, a considerable investment for the four fuses in just the Maggies, but also yielding the most dramatic results in sound stage and clarity.  

There are many reasons why someone might not get the (excellent) results most other people report or might only get minimal results. This sort of thing actually happens with almost every audiophile device and even with cables. There is never a guarantee of 100% reproducibility in this hobby. I suspect with fuses especially, you know, what with the directionality issue and long burn in times, it’s mighty tempting to blame negative or null results on one or both of those particular things. But there are other reasons, too. George Tice, in his letter to Stereophile regarding a particularly angry response from a dissatisfied customer of his Tice Clock, proposed four reasons why audiophiles sometimes don’t get the results they expect from certain audiophile products (like the Tice Clock). And I quote,

"There are four reasons why someone could not get the full potential from a TPT Clock. They are: 1) You did not follow the directions. 2) There are one or more choke points in your system (a choke point is a component which is significantly below the quality of the rest of the system). 3) Your audio system is not up to the standards by which anything can be accurately judged. (I noticed in your letter you never mentioned what components you use.) 4) Your hearing ability is not as refined as that of other music lovers and audiophiles."


Geoff Kait
Machina Dynamica