..and having heard the 15" that goes into khorns,what is it another by product from Electro voice...come on now..
missioncoonery --
Don’t go throw out the baby with the bath water. Please elaborate on your "having heard the 15 inch" in question - I’d wager there are many other things than the bass driver itself you’ve heard, thereby blurring your ability to distinguish its actual imprinting in the proper implementation. The 15" EV unit is a fine driver, and one tailored to a specific use (i.e.: in folded horns). The current "ersatz" cast unit from Crites is said to improve on the original EV ditto, while maintaining the TS data crucial for its intended use. A Vitavox AK151/152 is no doubt a more appealing driver going by looks, magnet type and weight (at a vastly substantial price!), as is the like from GPA with their, say, 515 driver - all of which are meant for bass/lower mids (folded) horn use. But are they essentially better than their cheaper alternative? The Vítavox driver I would gather, yes, but to what degree? All of these drivers do not sport lavish specs with 4" voice coils, insane magnet sizes and 1000+ watts RMS - for a reason. In fact it would be counter productive.
I’d say your all-out riling against Klipsch here loses some sight of itself..