Rogue Cronus Magnum (hum/noise)

Any other Cronus Magnum users care to share how noisy your amp is?  I can definitely hear a bit of transformer hum/noise when close to the amp itself, and within about a foot or so I can hear hum/buzz through my speakers.  I've lived with it as it's not really noticeable when music is playing, I'm just not sure if that's normal or not for this amp?  I think I can say with certainty it's not a ground loop issue, and different tubes don't seem to effect it at all.  The noise through the speakers stays constant and does not change with volume.   I've asked Rogue and they said it's normal for little noise, but I don't know how much is normal??

The phono section also hums (a lot more, amplifying with volume), especially when the volume hits about 12o'clock, but this isn't too big of a deal for me as I use a separate phono pre.  
Thanks for all the replies! My components are all going into a PS Audio Dectet. Also using a Maze Audio power cable with the Cronus and from the wall to the Dectet (no dedicated line).

I’d say my main concern here is the actual hum/noise coming from the transformer itself, not so much the noise coming through the speakers. I don’t notice the noise through the speakers at my sitting position, but can slightly hear the humming of the transformer and it gets on my nerves! I haven’t played around with tightening or loosening the transformer end bell, but have read that may help? I also haven’t tried any sort of a DC blocker, and am a little curious if that might help and where to get one?

I was hoping to resolve (or minimize) this myself, but am thinking it may be best to send it back to Rogue to take a look, which is a PITA.
There was a thread regarding transformer hum in Rogue integrateds a while back.
Rogue did admit to an owner that there was a problem with a batch of transformers.

If your unit is under warranty, you definitely should send it back. And they should also address the phonostage problem.
I have a dedicated 20A circuit which is extremely isolated and I have light hum and more hum in the phono stage. I have not read in any professional reviews where this amp was dead silent.
I demoed a Rogue Cronus Magnum and sent it back after I heard transformer hum and tube rush through the speakers.  Plus my Audio Refinement separates sound more tube like than the Rogue ever did.