Help with Cable selection

Hello All - 

This is my first post on Agon.... and I have a question for the group and would love some feedback.

I have have recently upgraded my system with - PrimaLuna Dialgue HP, VPI Prime with Dynavector 20x2L, and a pair of Sonus Faber Olympica III's. The question current inner connects are cheap AudioQuest Big Sur's and speaker caber is Kimber cable 8TC. What would be a recommendation in which I would hear an appreciaable difference with for both inner connects and speaker wire without breaking the bank!

Thanks in advance for any insight and guidance.



Hi dino-

Thanks for your note. Can you tell me about your cables and why selling and how much?


Purist Audio Design cables are IMO the best i have ever used.
I would say Fusion Audio would be a close 2nd
I have also  had or tried the following : Cardas,KCI,Audioquest,Tara Labs ,Dh Labs , Synergistic Research, JPs Labs, Transparent Audio; Analysis Plus ,and Acoustic Zen.

Wire World speaker cables , and Purist or Kimber cable interconnects , Even the low end are fine for the $$$
Strongly suggest visiting Roger Russell's site. I use low voltage outdoor lighting
wire from Lowes. Good insulation and lots of copper. My runs include from
Mcintosh 452 (450 watts per) to Legacy Whispers ( very power thirsty) . Also use from old low power JBL SA 600
to Klipsch Heresy iii's and from tube Rogue Cronus Magnum to pair of Merlin
2 way speakers. Some runs go under house. All work well for me.

I second Millpai...  I just got a pair of Double Shotguns after a long search to find the best I could.  These are much better than the Kimber that you mentioned....they just opened up my system front to back, side to side, bass to treble, etc., etc.  Paul (the owner) is great to do business with...give him a call and he'll send you audition wire.