What is best turntable for listening to Rock from the sixties like Led Zeppelin?

The sound quality isn’t great, so rather than something super revealing, something that is very musical, and can also convey the magic. Sort of the Decca cartridge equivalent of turntables. I am guessing less Caliburn and Techdas, more Linn, Roksan, Denon, EMT 927, Rega, even.
td160- and attention to the pressings, which vary considerably in what is emphasized. 
I’m from Honolulu where I worked as a musician from 1967 to 1986. I moved to the Right Coast, still play here and there, and mix live concerts as an insanely esthetically rewarding sideline (highly recommended). The name Wolf Garcia is the result of my borrowing the last names of two people in my office (owned a banking business) when doing a show in 1998 or something…I kept the name for show biz stuff because I found it to be fun.
Quick aside, not to derail thread: Great stuff, Wolf. I got off the Rock 'n Roll Merry-go-round about ’72, went back to college, got my degrees and went in new direction. Great ride, fun while it lasted; but happy I jumped off. Best, Rob
Nothing is "The Best". Any decent turntable that will turn and allow a good arm and cartridge will suffice, but try to isolate it as well as possible. Mine i in the next room with my electronics. A mirror makes the CD remote work from afar.