turntable speed control

VPI sds vs. Phoenix engineering PSU speed control

Ag insider logo xs@2x1litespeed
  " Wow, you managed to get just about everything wrong on that one; from your straw man argument about my sales motive to the lack of understanding of even basic physics. You deny that belt creep exists ...  you can blame speed variations on "some other" mysterious force? ...  You are wrong on both accounts.... Apparently you not only know what you know, but now you claim to know what I know. Semantic arguments aside ...  "

You're funny, phoenixengr. I certainly never stated that belt creep didn't exist. To refresh your memory, here's what I wrote:

" How have you measured this phenomenon? How can you be certain that whatever speed issue you may have detected is attributable to 'belt creep?'"

You seem to enjoy vituperative exchange. Have fun! I'm not interested.
The problem on these (and all audiophile) posts is that too many people think they know it all. What these pages should be is a forum of people’s experiences and beliefs in their own systems and others’ that they know well. ....a friendly exchange of experiences ..delights, and disappoints. There are few absolutes in audiophilium.
+1 stringreen!

I would add that another problem is that some come here to participate in a conversation, ask questions and exchange ideas and experiences. Others have other goals. It's usually not too difficult to distinguish one from the other, though.
+1 stringreen!

I would add that another problem is some people can’t debate issues using facts and data, so they try to impugn someone’s character with innuendo:
Others have other goals.
and try to make their point with straw-man arguments:
You’re funny, phoenixengr. I certainly never stated that belt creep didn’t exist. To refresh your memory, here’s what I wrote:

" How have you measured this phenomenon? How can you be certain that whatever speed issue you may have detected is attributable to ’belt creep?’"

What you actually preceded that statement with was this:
You’ve claimed that " belt creep does exist and it is measurable." That’s another rather odd claim.

I took that to mean you questioned the existence of belt creep or that it couldn’t be detected or measured. When I asked you if that was the case, you didn’t respond, so I proceeded with that understanding (you still haven't denied it).

I see no other purpose to any of your posts other than to start an argument, a rather simple and tiring one at that, and one that I’m done with.
Melm wrote, "...belt drives (which may measure worse in some respects) sound better."  This is so so wrong and short-sighted.  Yet, CLeeds agrees with him. Well designed and implemented turntables of any kind sound better than those that are not well designed and implemented. (I am not going to say that one drive system is per se better than the other; they all [3] have trade-offs.) But an advantage for us direct-drive aficionados is that we don't have to engage in snippy contretemps with each other about belt creep.  From what I know about it, Phoenix engineer is basically correct on all counts, and I would choose their products over the SDS, at this point in time. In fact, I might buy into the technology for my Lenco L75.