DAC or CD Player. Help!

Dumb question but I am new to the Hi Fi Field. When you hook up an DAC to your CD player which unit is dictating the sound that you hear. Does the CD Player really matter or is the CD player running the sound? Thanks!
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Worse than the AC cable snake oil is without doubt the cable risers. Spend major bucks on foo-foo cable jackets and 'flex' mesh pixie powder that they slip over the three-layer cable jacket only to determine that if the cable lays on the floor the sound is diminished. That's not synergy, it's idiocy.
Audioman2015, OP was merely asking what plays major role in CDP - DAC connection.  I believe that everything is important.  Jittery CDP will never sound good with the best DAC.  Poorly matched digital cable might affect sound of otherwise great CDP/DAC pair, etc..
DAC..... I had the same thought,  it's just that a good DAC can handle several inputs and serve more as the hub of a good digital system.  I bought a DAC , and then a year or so later I bought a good universal player.   I play everything through the DAC,  TV, Netflix, streaming audio, BluRay, and it provides great sound for all media.
Rsa, as with oddiofyl, and something I should have mentioned prior, I also use my DAC for both a disc player and computer audio (via USB/SPDIF converter).  I enjoy the synergy my DAC brings together with my Pre, amp, and speakers. This synergy s maintained regardless of digital source primarily due to their output being run through the same DAC.