Need Balanced DAC with optical and coaxial inputs for 2 channel home theater system

For my 2 channel home theater system (only), I am considering replacing my Musical Fidelity M1 DAC A with a better sounding DAC.  My needed inputs are one cable box using optical and one Sony Blu-ray player using coaxial.  I need balanced outputs (XLR) to connect the DAC to my Ayre AX-7e integrated amplifier.

The Wyred 4 Sound DAC-2 ($1,500) and the Parasound Zdac DAC ($2,500) are on my review list.  Any comments on these units?  Or, what other DAC's should I add to my list?   Considering my two input sources, will I really get better sound if I replace the Musical Fidelity M1 A DAC?

The sound quality using the Musical Fidelity M1 DAC is much better than than using the cable box RCA outputs direct to the Ayre AX-7e amp (my system is wired using both options using the source switch on the M1 DAC).  

Since the Parasound Zdac v.2 DAC is priced at $2,500 that is my top budget but I really prefer to keep the cost under $2,000.  Your comments and suggestions are appreciated.

Did I miss something?  I thought the Parasound Zdac is only $500, yes the version 2.
Based on my research, the NAD Masters M51 DAC is now at the top of my list.   I considered the W4S DAC-2dsdSE DAC and the exaSound E22 DAC but for the money the NAD M51 DAC looks very good.  I am planning to demo a unit shortly. 

As I understand it, I could run HDMI from the TiVo cable box to the M51 DAC and run another HDMI cable from the DAC to the TV for video only.  My Sony CD player would also connect HDMI to the DAC. The DAC runs balanced cables to my Ayre AX-7e amp.  I think I might be better off keeping my existing cable connections and forget the HDMI.  The HDMI cable carrying video might be better going straight from the cable box to the Sony TV.   Any comments?

Do you have any additional comments on the NAD M51 DAC? 

I have my TV connected via the M51 and HDMI from the cable box to the TV, that way my wife and kids can watch TV independently from the stereo.   My Blu Ray is via HDMI to the M51 and I plan on connecting a Bluetooth Receiver to coax.   
It is a good thing I am in no hurry since I changed my mind again on a possible DAC selection.

The exaSound DAC e22 Mark II ($3,500) has gotten great reviews but it is expensive and I prefer to buy from a USA Company. This unit is very interesting but I prefer not to have two boxes in my family room.

The Wyred 4 Sound DAC-2 DSD SE is very good but it is priced beyond what I want to pay ($2,765).  

The NAD Master M51 DAC ($2,000) seems to be popular but I had problems getting pre-sale product information.  If I have a problem with the M51 pre-sale info, getting after sale technical support could be a problem. In addition, I prefer a USA made product.

The Ayre QB-9 DC and the Ayre Cordex DAC are both excellent products but neither has the necessary optical and coaxial inputs I require.  As I stated above, I am not willing to change my wiring connections to HDMI as required by the Ayre Codex. I am disappointed the Ayre DAC's do not have the two input connections I require.   

The Benchmark DAC2 HGC has been highly recommended by friends and it looks excellent. It is made in the USA and priced at $1,999. The unit has four balanced 32-bit D/A converters that are summed together to create each balanced analog output.  Does anyone have any comments on the Benchmark DAC2 HGC?

It seems I am changing my mind every week but this is based on new facts and product information. I am reading all the various posts and reviews I can find.   Once I decide on a product, I will bring it into my system to see how it sounds.  Thanks again for all your help.
demoed at home for 2 weeks the Benchmark Dac2 and Mcintosh D100, kept the Mcintosh, it's beautiful.  New D150 (same as D100 but does DSD) is $3k.

good luck