Need a subwoofer reccomendation.....


My former subwoofer, the Klipsch RW-12d blew its amp board after only 3 years of very "light" work. Just slightly out of warranty, too. After some discussions with Klipsch, I was told a new amp board would cost $256 plus S&H costs both ways or I could drop it off at their local repair facility to save some money in Holland, MI.

I am in Dallas, TX.

Yeah. Since the entire subwoofer only cost $350 through Newegg (on Super sale on one Saturday only), I am not about to pay that kind of money to repair it. Incidentally, I would also like to say the Klipsch tech's attitude was very...un-Klipsch like if you remember Klipsch from back in the day as I do. I point blank asked him if they'd been acquired by Pioneer :) I mention this so that people that might be looking at Klipsch gear right now know that certain things have changed there in just the last few years so...buyer beware.

On to my question...I need a new sub (not THAT kind of sub) and my price range is around $500. I can stretch to $600 if I have to but my wife will start really yelling if I go above $500.

I have conferred with a couple of close friends and we are mostly in agreement and I am staring at the HSU models in that range as well as the Sunfire models. Sunfire makes both a $500 sub and a $600 one but if memory serves, I heard they were having some QC problems when they first came out. Did they ever get those issues cleared up? I am very happy to see they offer a 5 year warranty on all their subs (which is a lot considering you potentially can abuse both an amp and a speaker if you screw around).

The blown Klipsch worked fine in my media room. Here are the specifics....

20x20x13 in feet so a lot of cubic space to fill. The rest of the system is beautiful vintage equipment....

B&K ST-202+ Sonata amp (1993), matching B&K Pro-10 MC Sonata preamp, Oppo Digital BDP-105 as the source, and Monitor Audio Silver RS 8 speakers (10 years old now, I guess they are vintage, too).

You would not believe how beautiful this system sounds. would not REALLY want to listen to a string quartet on it (though you could, the B&K gear DOES have that "soft" tube-like much as you can get from MOSFET electronics) but it truly shines with Led Zeppelin, Pink Floyd, pretty much all electronic dance music (I drove my wife out of the room playing Chemical Bothers over and over), and it does not do bad at all with large classical pieces like Beethoven's 9th. I highly recommend those Monitor Audio speakers.

But in the end, in a room that size, it was just missing a little punch on the lower end. And a subwoofer is the answer unless I wish to break down the whole system and start over with something more powerful. I can hear my wife screaming even as I type that.

So, HSU, Sunfire, and I am open to any other suggestions you all may have for subs in the $500-$600 range that will will blend nicely with electronics like that, in a room that size.

Thanks for any and all replies...

I think Hsu and SVS have the best value for all around subs for music and movies. REL wins for just music because it is sealed and not ported, fast response to transients, accurate bass for orchestra and acoustic bass, and is virtually silent in the room. You know when your sub is properly tuned when you don't know it's there, until you turn it off.
Q: Is your sub really "blown"?
My B&W ASW685 stopped working but it was only a blown fuse (fixed it myself).
This could be your problem.
No, sadly, the amp board is blown. The tech and I went through the steps several times. There are no external fuses and the tech said there were no internal fuses, either.......

However, it IS out of warranty, I think I shall open it up just to make sure. Wouldn't it be a great money making scheme to charge people $256 for a "new" amp board when the repair is actually a simple $8 fuse. Note; I am not accusing Klipsch of doing this, I am simply keeping mind :)

Thanks for the tip!
Yes, I called B&W tech (in L.A.) who said "send me the board". As I had to open the box anyway, I looked around (on the board) and found the fuse. I removed and took to a freelance elec-tech here in 'Vegas who provided some new ones.
Popped it in and it worked fine!
Now, if you purchased your RW-12d new within 5 years and
New Egg is an authorized Klipsch dealer, then you should
be covered under factory warranty. If not authorised,
then of course you are on your own.

I know of two or three people who sent their RW-12d's amp
boards to Sybesma's Electronics
and the total cost was around $200.00 but that was a
couple of years ago. May be the same or more now. Funny
thing is that I have owned my RW-10d since 2007 and RSW-
10d since 2008 with never a problem at all.

With that said, you must decide if the
"trouble" is worth it. Personally, I think the
RW-12d is acceptable for HT but so so for music. IMO,
not up to par for music with your B&K, Oppo, and Monitor
Audio rig. If you could stretch your budget a bit, maybe
an SVS SB2000 would do the trick.
