Old-school, and the quest for musical nirvana

Am I alone in finding the majority of modern equipment amusical? Is the pursuit of imaging and resolve really more important?

Why can I only find true contentment in the best of the old?
Okay, I'll bite...
What equipment are we talking about? - As in, what equipment do you love vs. what new equipment you find 'amusical'?

you are correct in your assumptions- much of the newer gear is made in china, thus, making it amusical for certain. Which older gear do you own and/or enjoy?
"...much of the newer gear is made in china, thus, making it amusical for certain."

jafant, I hope that was tongue in cheek???
It's because equipment are not designed for musicality today....they are designed to be analytical microscopes in search of inner detail, and not to perform a musical synthesis in the name of the whole musical gestalt. That is why I stick to a single-ended triode amp (from Audio Note) which belongs to the old school of audio, and make use of lightweight Fostex paper cones. It is all about delicacy and naturalness.