Well so far, so good. I think that we can all agree that some vinyl based systems sound better than some digital based systems and vice versa.
And we can agree that some people prefer the sound of vinyl and some people prefer the sound of digital. I don’t know why the topic usually ends up in an argument. In the words of the late, great Rodney King, "Can’t we all just get along?"
So far it’s going well here. I just wanted to give the digital listeners something to read that wasn’t a slap in the face, which is what I often find in audiophile publications.
Great post marktomaras always good to hear from someone who keeps an open mind and can enjoy both formats.
The next step in digital may be here. Meridian’s MQA (Master Quality Authenticated) is a new way to package digital music and correct some of its problems. It’s not a new format. It’s backwards compatible with all existing players and streamers. You do have to have an MQA decodable Dac to get the full sound quality benefit.
There are a few MQA decodable Dacs out there now. Meridian has a $22,000 MQA player as well as a $299 MQA Dac, and someone else has an MQA Dac out. More are supposed to be on the way. Tidal is working to MQA encode its library and I believe is offering MQA streaming now.
MQA is far too much for me to explain, but in the May/June Absolute Sound there are a number of articles, reviews and FAQs about the new technology. Robert Harley is greatly impressed by MQA. We’ll just have to see how people feel about it as the technology rolls out. I’ve never heard it myself.