Low volume on turntable??

Hi everyone, so I’m new to vinyl and have a lot to learn but I just hooked up a my first turn table, and with my preamp at maximum volume, and amp at full gain, it was still veryy quiet and had no depth/bass. The turntable is an old Denon DP-31L that I just installed a new cartridge in (AT-95E) --->Cary Audio AES SE-3 preamp---->McIntosh MC2125--->Klipsch RP-5’s. The system sounds magnificent running .wav vinyl rips with a Monarchy DIP upsampler--> Emotiva XDA-1 DAC in between my comp and the preamp, so there must be something wrong with either the unit, or how i hooked it up (basic built in RCA to preamp, with the integrated ground wire running to the Mcintosh chassis). On the plus side the ultra-quiet music has no hums, or background distortion whatsoever, even at full volume.

Any advice or thoughts would be much appreciated! Cheers
If the sony has a tape or record out you could use that. The signal is usually outputted prior to any gain or preamp functions. Run tape out into any line level input on the Cary. I agree however that even a stand alone phonostage would serve better. The Schiit Mani seems like a great deal. 
 I think with Sony means by that is that it does not make any adjustments in the digital domain. Perhaps you have some fancy controls on the Sony that would allow you to correct for certain issues. It could do this by modifying the digital signal.   I'm guessing the analog direct option prevents the Sony from converting the analog signal to digital.

You can certainly try it, but I do believe you may be double preamplifiying the signal, if  my suspicions are correct.   If you do try this, clearly put the volume control to absolute minimum on both the Sony and the Cary!  Slowly raise the volume, perhaps to 9 o'clock on the Sony, and then carefully raise the volume on the Cary just a bit.

it is possible to overload a preamplifier. I've done this with my phono preamplifier into my stereo preamplifier. With the gain  set too high on the phono stage,  The musical peaks were full of distortion - scratchy poppy sounds.  I dropped the gain on my phono stage,  and problem solved.

 If you give it a shot, let me know what happens! It's possible that you can turn the Sony volume halfway up or all the way up, and then use the Cary to  do the rest, and possibly only required to Cary volume Control to be set quite low. Just be careful and gradual with those volume control knobs!
Mesh,  excellent idea! If the tape out is line level and not preamplified at all, that could work. But I also agree, this is a short-term solution so the original poster could play records today and not a long-term solution at all.
So I tried leaving the turntable to the phono input and using "tape out" to the preamp and no sound, then I tried plugging it into the "tape in" with outs still in "tape out", and no sound either.... I think I'll try next leaving the turntable plugged into phono, with outputs plugged into the "pre out" and run that to the Cary. I'll leave the Sony volume super low with mode set to analog direct...
Should the "tape in" work with a turntable normally? I would speculate not bc there is a phono input too, otherwise Sony would have only made one phono/tape RCA input instead of 2 separate ones for each...