You were the one who posted that you were interested in trying a " Synergistic Research RED fuse" with a money back guarantee and you wanted to "challenge the process". For the price of return postage $3.00 for regular mail and $6.80 for priority mail you could have taken the challenge.
You may have found the sonic improvements exceeded or at least matched the improvements of your new power cords. Your wife may have even applauded your decision to upgrade your music system with the addition of a new component that cost about $120.00. The fact that the sonic component is a fuse is is not important. I think you were lured into the purchase of a different fuse since it was 50 % off.
I did not say you were a cheapskate. I said you were went cheapskate on your system. I believe Parts Connexion pushed you button with their "Sale Price".
I have been there and done that myself. I have gone cheapskate on my system and in the long run not saved money.
Modestly priced audio systems can and do often sound better than uber expensive systems. Go to any audio show such as the Newport Beach, California show June 2 -4 and you will experience exactly this .
David Pritchard