FUSES??? Just when I just replaced all my PC cords.

So I come across what I think is the next magic pill. "FUSES" Synergistic Research RED Quantum Fuse to be specific. Guaranteed to make a significant improvement in overall sound quality. Or a full refund. Gotta love that, total satisfaction. So, it's got my interest. Let's say one would like to challenge the promise. I have a Jolida tube amp (801) a Jolida JD9II phono pre and a Jolida glass tube DAC III. And I would like to try one fuse to start with. Which of the three components of my system would you recommend trying first?

Thanks in advance for any opinons.  

You were the one who posted that you were interested in trying  a " Synergistic Research RED fuse" with a money back guarantee and you wanted to "challenge the process". For the price of return postage $3.00 for regular mail and $6.80 for priority mail you could have taken the challenge.

You may have found the sonic improvements exceeded or at least matched the improvements of your new power cords. Your wife may have even applauded your decision to upgrade your music system with the addition of a new component that cost about $120.00. The fact that the sonic component is a fuse is is not important. I think you were lured into the purchase of a different fuse since it was 50 % off.

I did not say you were a cheapskate. I said you were went cheapskate on your system.  I believe Parts Connexion pushed you button with their "Sale Price".
I have been there and done that myself.  I have gone cheapskate on my system and in the long run not saved money.

Modestly priced audio systems can and do often sound better than uber expensive systems. Go to any audio show such as the Newport Beach, California show June 2 -4 and you will experience exactly this .

David Pritchard

May I suggest that you look into the claims of Quantum Tunneling before you pay crazy amounts of money on fuses?  I would also ask the manufacturer to provide you with actual proof of their claims and not rely on testimonials.  Also pose the question on whether they used the Schrödinger equation in their treatment of said fuses.  Sorry, but my physics and engineering background has me questioning a lot of these claims made.


Synergistic Research applies 2 million volts to the fuse at a certain frequency and time. They call this process Quantum Tunneling. A descriptive marketing term,in the likes of the Motorola "Quasar" televisions. I have tried several of the aftermarket (but not all ) fuses. I have heard small changes (Isoclean) to large sonic changes( Synergistic Research Black ). SR sells three fuses each with a different sonic change at three price points. I especially like the way my system sounds with SR Black fuses in place. Because the amount and direction of change a fuse can make, I buy from a company that offers a money back policy. I have also experimented with tube rolling in my amps but I know of no tube vendors that have an audition with return policy. That certainly would be welcomed when considering the expensive Elrog, Psvane , KR, or EML tubes.

From an engineering standpoint I do not understand exactly how different brands of tubes, capacitors, and fuses change the sound. But they do.

I have enjoyed taking a considerable amount of time auditioning various fuses and I believe my system sounds better for the time and effort spent.

David Pritchard


I understand what you are saying David, but what annoys me is when they use terminologies such as "Quantum Tunneling" which is a quantum mechanics phenomenon, something I am familiar with and why they chose a term if it has nothing to do with their claimed process annoys me to no end.  Did you see the newest beeswax fuses at 149 bucks?  As an audiophile, I just want products that will produce quality sound without the claims that defy the principles of engineering and physics.  I too have tube rolled and tried different fuses.  The issue there is why in the heck did the manufacturer not go with quality parts to begin with?  A 5K and above amp or audio equipment with substandard fuses and power cords???  Explain that one to me!