Whats a good all around digital cable for under $250. I only need half a meter.

Whats a good all around digital cable for under $250. I only need half a meter. I'm looking for a cable that can play those high notes and cymbals and it won't sound like noise.
All my other cabling is Synergistic Research. Has anyone tried out their digital cable? Something along the lines of their D1 maybe?
I second the acoustic zen recommendation. I recently added an AZ Silver Byte digital and am very happy, especial with the natural highs. My preamp and amp go beyond 50kHz, and my speakers (Dali Mentor 6) to 34kHz. I looked at an MC2, but that is 110 ohm for XLR and i needed RCA (75 ohm). The Silver Bytes are made for 75 ohm RCA. That said, many use MC2 with RCA and are completely happy. Silver Bytes were less expensive so I bit.

I haven't heard the Acoustic Zen MC2, but I've had AZ interconnects and cables for over a decade and they do extremely well with the highs.  Since there is a "house sound" to AZ cables I'd think the MC2 would follow suit.  To be more specific, I'm a drummer and am very sensitive to equipment or cables that turn cymbals into sizzle/hash or emphasize sticking over tonality.  My AZ cables do an excellent job of capturing not only the clean sticking/dynamics of a cymbal but also its tonality and weight, which is something I don't hear often in cables.  So FWIW, I think trying a used MC2 could be a good idea given your preferences.  Best of luck.