Stylus cleaner

Which have you found to be very effective...?
I use Clearaudio Elixir stylus cleaner and a small stylus brush I would never use Magic Eraser on my seventeen hundred dollar cartridge 
I tried the clear sticky bubble  but found a film building up on the stylus

Ok so I've used the Vinyl Passion Dust Buster & it works well; the viscose gel does remove dirt from the stylus. 

It's the same principle as the Onzow although I have no idea as to the composite of either product. 
Yes Jim, it should arrive next week. Although I forgot that I have quite a good magnifier on my phone!
My flux hifi arrived yesterday, and 60x-100x zoom magnifier for iPhone is on its way.  Should be super easy to take before and after photos.  I'll be sure to report on the experience and post some pics!