Thank you. I am glad you tried this advanced modification and it enhanced your sound system. In fact I just repeated the experiment using the combination of Black fuses combined with Synergistic Research ECTs placed on the fuse holders in my headphone system. The fuses now have over 300 hours on them so are surely settled in. The results continue to be positive.
One can over do using ECTs. In my speaker horn system adding ECTs to the fuses on a Synergistic Research Transporter gave more definition but with a loss of the music having a palpable quality. The sound became more like the way electrostatics often sound.
It is always disappointing for me to read a post as the above post by wolf_garcia. He is a coward and cyber bully. He has made extremely serious allegations and accused Oregonpapa of illegal and unethical behavior. Of course he is hiding behind the screen of a moniker.
I use my legal name in all my posts so there is no doubt who wrote the thread. I have posted my phone number for all to see so if anyone wanted to discuss an audio topic off line and one on one they could do so.
I have found the Synergistic Black fuses to make a significant improvement in the sound and enjoyment of my audio system. I have tried to articulate the change in sound I hear with installation of these fuses. I have emphasized the fact that if one does not hear a benefit with these fuses to return them for a refund.
Oregonpapa has taken considerable time and his money to investigate the effects of audio grade fuses. He has then simply shared his results to this forum. I am grateful for this information.
David Pritchard