Synergistic Red Fuse ...

I installed a SR RED Quantum fuse in my ARC REF-3 preamp a few days ago, replacing an older high end fuse. Uhh ... for a hundred bucks, this little baby is well worth the cost. There was an immediate improvement upon installation, but now that its broken in (yes, no kidding), its quite remarkable. A tightening of the focus, a more solid image, and most important of all for my tastes, a deeper appreciation for the organic sound of the instruments. Damn! ... cellos sound great! Much improved attack on pianos. More humanistic on vocals. Bowed bass goes down forever. Next move? .... I'm doing the entire system with these fuses. One at a time though just to gauge the improvement in each piece of equipment. The REF-75se comes next. I'll report the results as the progression takes place. Stay tuned ...

Any comments from anyone else who has tried these fuses?


Thank you. I am glad you tried this advanced modification and it enhanced your sound system. In fact I just repeated the experiment using the combination of Black fuses combined with  Synergistic Research ECTs placed on the fuse holders in my headphone system. The fuses now have over 300 hours on them so are surely settled in. The results continue to be positive. 

One can over do using ECTs. In my speaker horn system adding ECTs to the fuses on a Synergistic Research Transporter gave more definition but with a loss of the music having a palpable quality. The sound became more  like the way  electrostatics often sound.

It is always disappointing for me to read a post as the above post by wolf_garcia. He is a coward and cyber bully. He has made extremely serious allegations and accused Oregonpapa of illegal and unethical behavior. Of course he is hiding  behind the  screen of a moniker.

I use my legal name in all my posts so there is no doubt who wrote the thread. I have posted my phone number for all to see so if anyone wanted to discuss an audio topic off line and one on one they  could do so. 

I have found the Synergistic Black fuses to make a significant improvement in the sound and enjoyment of my audio system. I have tried to articulate the change in sound I hear  with installation of these fuses. I have emphasized the fact that if one does not hear a benefit with these fuses to return them for a refund.

Oregonpapa has taken considerable time and his money to investigate the effects of audio grade fuses. He  has then simply shared his results to this forum. I am grateful  for this information.

David Pritchard

Charles1 dad:

I have enjoyed your posts, and so I have taken the plunge and the 300 b tube SET amp is on the way. The Psvane 300b WE tubes arrived yesterday ( 4 day shipping from Grant Fidelity- via their Hong Kong facility). It will be interesting to see how the 300b amp compares to the Art Audio Px-25 amp. A battle of the high output giants- five watts versus six watts!

What do those Pass Lab owners do with the extra 295 watts?

David Pritchard 

Hello David,
The feeling is mutual as I find value in your insightful comments. You come across as someone with honesty and integrity. I only have significant experience with two output DHT tubes, the 300b and 845 (limited experience with the 2A3). I absolutely cherish my 300b amplifier.

I’ve only heard good things about the PX 25 tubes.  What 300b amplifier are you awaiting?  
I’m very interested to read your listening comments. I’ve heard many different 300bs but not specifically the Psvane. Word of mouth says that it is a very good sounding tube.
David regarding the derogatory comments about Frank (Oregonpapa ) simply consider the source.


The amp is the DIY Forum ( but already built Get Set Go ) amp that was listed here on Audiogon. It runs the 300b tubes conservatively and so output is 5 watts. I very much like the sound of the Psvane 845 WE-  in the Triode of Japan 845 amp. They and the Elrog 845 do  sound good. The Psvane perhaps more lyical and the Elrogs more detailed.

The tubes arrived from China faster than the amp has from Arizona!  Still waiting on the amp to arrive.

Rachael Grant who continues to manage  Grant's Audio was very prompt in my E-mail questions.

Newport Beach Audio Show in 2 weeks from tomorrow.

I hope all who read Audiogon and can go, please do so. I find the trip from New Mexico to Irvine, California well worth the time and money.

My son Jack who is an all state viola high school student has his final concert tonight. He has tried the WA Quantum chip (for acoustic instruments ) on his viola. He heard a definite change in sound with there being  "a sound with more presence and more forward ".    I was impressed he would try the Chip, and I am glad he is able to have a sense of adventure and experimentation in music and in life.

I hope all are able to enjoy music this weekend on the system of their choice and the fuses of their choice.

David Pritchard