Do female audiophiles exist

I've hear of UFO's , and Bigfoot, but never seen one!

I've never heard of an audiophile from the opposite sex, and never seen one either.

Females may have better hearing, on average, so the question is, does better hearing necessarily translate to better listening ability? I would challenge that assumption because I see no evidence of a correlation let alone a causal relationship.
Stevecham, from what I know that better listening abilities are derived from training on audiophile 'set of instructions' and better hearing or hearing for music is just natural that does not come with any training.
I am not challenging your science, because I simply don't know, but is it a scientific fact that "females generally have better hearing than males"?
 Ah, how sad to be so forgotten. I actually haven't posted much in the last year or so because I'm quite happy with my Avalon Ideas, Ayre 7xe integrated amp,  squeezebox Touch, Wyred 4Sound  dac2  and my pretty Cardas interconnects .   And just to prove that I am still an audiophile, I have been starting to peruse  music servers wondering if maybe there something better out there ?