@dgarretson: Right you are. I made provision in my will for this-- the disposition of gear and record collection. My wife knows enough people to reach out to them if necessary, but it is an issue as we age. I don’t have kids, and have no misconceptions about the value of, for example, my record collection-it will get broken up and sold off, just like any commodity. I don’t think we are the last generation who will enjoy this hobby. I’ve talked with several youngish people- mid-’30s, who are building pretty serious systems, step by step. I’m glad I have time to enjoy what I’ve put together- sometimes, we are so busy working, and I’ve lost more than a couple contemporaries in the last few years. So, play it like you stole it! Buy that record you always wanted and play the damn thing!
Had lunch today with a brainiac friend- he’s not into hi-fi but is a scientist, and he is very optimistic about the human condition, long range. Me, I’m more of a pessimist, but perhaps I’m short sighted. I don’t think a lot of people have really had a break in the last 20 or so years- more work, more stress, the world today seems harder, faster and more competitive-- so all this stuff, about the state of the economy and the state of the world in general, has to be put into perspective. What were people thinking when they were playing those ’50s era records I own? Cold war, keeping up with the Jones, food in cans and cars with fins (those I miss). I’m glad this whole thing has been an important part of my life. I couldn’t imagine life without it (even though I have gone through periods where I didn’t have access to my system or it wasn’t set up).
Had lunch today with a brainiac friend- he’s not into hi-fi but is a scientist, and he is very optimistic about the human condition, long range. Me, I’m more of a pessimist, but perhaps I’m short sighted. I don’t think a lot of people have really had a break in the last 20 or so years- more work, more stress, the world today seems harder, faster and more competitive-- so all this stuff, about the state of the economy and the state of the world in general, has to be put into perspective. What were people thinking when they were playing those ’50s era records I own? Cold war, keeping up with the Jones, food in cans and cars with fins (those I miss). I’m glad this whole thing has been an important part of my life. I couldn’t imagine life without it (even though I have gone through periods where I didn’t have access to my system or it wasn’t set up).