What's going on with the audio market?

Recent retail sales reports are very bad and I am hearing that sales for audio equipment have been nonexistent over the past few months.  I also see more dealers putting items up for sale here and on other outlets.  Even items that have traditionally sold quickly here are expiring without being sold. 

To what would you attribute the slowdown?  Have you changed your buying habits for audio equipment and, if so, why? 
I'm 45(almost 46), only been aware of quality audio for 5 years and I don't know but right now every day starts with a cup of coffee, surf check and audiogon(forums and phono preamps primarily) Thing is I'm not buying mostly because I'm not loaded but also because I'm learning about various diy stuff and my rig sounds good enough. I'd rather buy music now and fiddle with the edges and tweak what I got. As for retail audio tanking I can't say but for me it's irrelevant considering what stuff costs and what quality used components can be purchased with just a little internet learning and some listening. I don't think the audio world is gonna fall it's gonna come back around as things cycle. What it's gonna look like?? A greater divide in choices, between high end and diy perhaps. The retail middle ground I can see drying up and is not money well spent especially with Internet 2nd hand offerings, in my experience sometimes over 20 years old that sound wonderful and just as good,with a little help, or better than a lot of new stuff. Secondly, with a shrinking middle class working harder and harder to keep up who has time to actually have the luxury to just kick back and really get into it. Well, I think it's a thing that many will think about again and it will be that outlet but it's gonna have to replace something else:The big game family Sunday's at the stadium there are insane $ imho, the vacation as more folks are thinking Staycation, etc. Music can be something the whole family can sit around listen to and engage, shouldn't it be so. I know, how silly, we'd each end up in our own rooms, bummer. 
whart and fourwnds, great posts, all true. The people I see all around me are so distracted, thumbing on their smart phones while doing everything else, even in a movie theater! Sensory overload. Short attention spans, a general sense of anxiety, increasing health and weight issues (too busy on their sp to get any exercise), and everybody tired and fatigued. Mainstream music has been cheapened to the point of it not being worth it's asking price (except for the isolated "song"), which is now almost nothing (except for new LP's ;-). Music is not currently of major importance in most people's lives. The participants here are the members of their own 1%! The future looks grim to me, but then like whart I'm a pessimist. Or as I like to think of it, realist.
I am 33 years old.  I would like this hobby to continue... I definitely don't want to be the last of a breed.

33 years old, first system when I was 25.  Maybe another 32 years of this?  Hopefully?

Currently a growing system.  BW 802D3, Sonus Faber Olympica 3, Classe, Boulder, Cary.

Let's keep the politics out, please.

Let's not turn a perfectly good audio forum into a nasty mess. 

@jafant lol.  Everything is obamas fault even high end audio. Anyway. Stuff is overpriced. Service and quality is lacking? I think computer audio and streaming is also a factor!