I dont think the Anthem D2V's calibration is at all "amateur hour" after doing 7 mic positions the only thing I found I wanted to adjust was a little bump in center channel level.
I do agree in general that most are a waste of time and some only get you maybe half way there but Anthem is a different league starting first and foremost with its carefully calibrated, matched and high quality microphone.
Up thill then I had got by just fine for over 15 years and maybe 9 different systems in that period.
If your room is good, treated and speakers are well positioned a rat shak SPL meter and your own ear is about all you need. Even a second system I have of Rotel seperates is great with just bass and treble trim for all speakers so 11 bands is a bit overkill IMO but tweekers surely enjoy all that freedom.
I do agree in general that most are a waste of time and some only get you maybe half way there but Anthem is a different league starting first and foremost with its carefully calibrated, matched and high quality microphone.
Up thill then I had got by just fine for over 15 years and maybe 9 different systems in that period.
If your room is good, treated and speakers are well positioned a rat shak SPL meter and your own ear is about all you need. Even a second system I have of Rotel seperates is great with just bass and treble trim for all speakers so 11 bands is a bit overkill IMO but tweekers surely enjoy all that freedom.