What's the latest word on the Emotiva UMC-1?

I just bought the Oppo 83 blu-ray player, and now see the Emotiva website says the UMC-1 processor is in initial shipping mode. At only $700, is this processor really of great quality and a bargain compared to the likes of more expensive units from Onkyo, Integra, Marantz, Rotel, etc? I'm looking to spend under $3,000. For strictly home theater use, would you go for the UMC-1 or what other product?
"The unit is a fantastic buy to say the least. Emotiva is also poised to release a higher end processor shortly. It has a even better pre-amp section and even more bells and whistles. Buyers of the UMC-1 get 50% off!"

Hopefully "wide ranging" daN doesn't use the public as beta testers this time around. Perhaps some more work on tonewinners part this time around will produce respectable results. After all the issues the LMC-1 one had, to release the UMC the way they did tells you more about the "brain trust" over there than any forum posting ever could.
James, do what I did. Wait until the dust settles before buying a processor from anyone. 4-6 months is usually fine. I usually do that with ANY gear of this type, even DSLRs. By doing that I ended up with an incredible processor for 1/4 the cost of my previous one and no issues.

"My friends and I don't "think" we can beat Audessey. We know we can as we've easily improved on it time after time."

You never really answered my question above. Are you "beating" Audessey with an 11 band graphic EQ, with fixed frequencies and no adjustable Q?
You never really answered my question above. Are you "beating" Audessey with an 11 band graphic EQ, with fixed frequencies and no adjustable Q?>>>

Easily. And I'll make it very simple. I can almost always improve on what the the Integra processor can do without even touching the EQ. The poor thing can't even get the basic settings for volume right, almost always overcooking the bass and usually the rears as well. Audessey can't even come close to what an experienced set of ears can do.

Frankly, it's so well known by the installers I've spoken to in NY, that I'm surprised anyone is even thinking that automated EQ gets it right.

I'll make this statement perfectly clear: If you rely 100% on these automated systems you're not hearing everything your system is capable of, regardless of the room.

My issue is that the Head of the company "bIg?" dan Laughman releasing a product that he had to know had (and for many still has) multiple issues.

You know Rob how many issues the unit had upon release and dany boy and his folks over there claimed it ran beautifully. Never once has he showed sincere contrition for unleashing a bug riddled product on the public. I feel he has contempt for his customers, as he feels since he has tonewinner products at cheap prices he will always have a market share.

From what I have heard they are still working on the code. This is a joke, and sometimes being the cheapest get you an arrogant, P.T Barunm like owner. Buy what you will it is your money. I wouldn't give a Schmendrick like Laughman a penny of my money.