Vandersteen 2xx - 100,000 units?

Vandersteen claims to have sold 100,000+ units of their model 2xx speakers over 30 years.

Does any dispute this? To me it seems incredibly remarkable. That they have been able to continually refine this product and still keep it selling well AND somehome avoid "the latest thing" syndrome to me speaks volumes about product quality.

Am I missing something?

What they've accomplished seems better than any positive review.

Wouldn't they be the ones to beat in their price range?
The 100K number has been touted for at least since I bought my last pair of 2s in 1995 or so.
I too find it tough to believe since Vandersteen has always had a very
small dealer network, with the average dealer selling a handful of pairs a year of all models.........yet still......when you take it over 40 years, it's not that hard to fathom.....

Can you do better than the 2CE's?  Yes, I wouldn't trade them for what I went to, Revel Studio 2s, nor what I went to from those, Magnepan 3.7s.........but for the money, you can not do better than Vandersteen can try but you won't succeed.....

Couple them with a mid wattage tube integrated and a great source and you will hear something far more musical than 2K EVER buys......

stewart0722 - what do you consider "mid wattage". I have a PrimaLuna Prologue 1 ; 35 watts channel tube amp.
Use a 32 w Line Magnetic 211IA on my 2CE signatures with very satisfactory results. They even thrive on 12 w Triode.  No Difference between that and my Consonance Cyber 800 mono blocks @ 78 w, toss a coin.

These speakers do not need gobs of power, contrary to what people say.
They are not party speakers they do not do loud, that’s it, and no amount of power will make them do loud. Tried all sorts even, 500 w @ 8 ohm doubling to 1000 w @ 4 Class D on mine, Nah, wasting your time.
For loud, I got Cornscala’s.

They play music like nothing much else, that can cost 10x the price.
Properly set up you will pay big bucks to get better.

I owned the original model 2 made in the late 70s. A very enjoyable full range speaker bought for $400 used. Richard offered to buy them back in 1988 in exchange for the latest version. I did not take him up on that however.  
I think you'd have a chance in a smallish to medium room with 35wpc.  I ran 2CE sigs to good volume in a very large 27x16x10 room with a 60w ARC VSI60, but of course it's material dependent.........
I would say strive for at least 50WPC, but the only way you'll really know is to try it your space......

Here's an old video of my system in those days: