If you are buying store brands, Monitor Audio Silver series, no question, especially used.
If you are up for making it yourself, or having it made, the ZRT's will devastate the B&W's or Focal's in the range.
Add about $900 to the kit part for the good Mr. Taylor to build them for you.
That tweeter uses the same motor that's the basis for the current crop of Magico's. The Revelators are stunning and deep woofers. If you want to go with a Be tweeter, the Klang-Tong Nada with a single Scanspeak woofer may be your last speakers ever.
Again, those Scanspeak woofers have amazing bass. Especially if you are going to go with a sub for movies, one of these woofers in a ported cabinet will stun you.
If you are up for making it yourself, or having it made, the ZRT's will devastate the B&W's or Focal's in the range.
Add about $900 to the kit part for the good Mr. Taylor to build them for you.
That tweeter uses the same motor that's the basis for the current crop of Magico's. The Revelators are stunning and deep woofers. If you want to go with a Be tweeter, the Klang-Tong Nada with a single Scanspeak woofer may be your last speakers ever.
Again, those Scanspeak woofers have amazing bass. Especially if you are going to go with a sub for movies, one of these woofers in a ported cabinet will stun you.