CD players that make for a great transport

For those who have an extensive CD collection, own a quality DAC used for streaming, and occasionally enjoy spinning disks, what current model or recent vintage CD players within a budget of $500-$1000 are noted for having a good transport and quality coax digital output?  
If were in my budget I would audition a Neo 260 transport version. I read the review in TAS and like the build quality of those Simaudio products i have seen and listened to. 
Hard to beat a HHB with the proprietary upside-down transport and digital (RCA) out. They were Pioneer's answer to the upscale market, retailed for more than a grand, get one off Feebay for about $300 if you're sharp.
Rega Apollo as transport to a Simaudio 280D DAC, works for me.  Nordost Coax SPDIF.
try finding a good Teac VRDS they made many deferent ones from all in one players and stand alone transports. they are getting a few years old but lots of parts out there and many high end companies used the VRDS system in their own cd played. hard to beet that VRDS transport even now a days as it was copied so much, VRDS stands for Vibration-Free Rigid Disc Clamping.