I was following the thread in the early days and installed a SR Red fuse in my ARC CDP; I wanted to start at the source. It was such a tremendous improvement in every way and since the spinner is naturally detailed, I stayed with the Red.
Next I auditioned the Red and Black UEF PC's on all components and found that my Audience PC's were more musical with deeper imaging. IOW, I didn't need both the fuse and PC upgrade.
Now I have the SR Black fuse in my modified Sunfire 300 amp and waiting for it to burn-in. My question is to others who have the SR Black in a high power/high current SS amp. Did you find that during the burn-in period, the sonics were similar to breaking in a new cable?
I find the sound veiled, instruments lack separation (Classical music), and 2 dimensional.
I know the fuses are allegedly directional, and for now I'll assume mine is installed correctly due to the fact that the imaging of string instruments are in the proper place and the soundstage is wide and high.
So, I guess I'm asking for reassurance that others have heard these sonic characteristics. As mentioned before, it sounds like I'm breaking in some new cables.
Many thanks.