Anyone love TIDAL lossless streaming like I do?

I love Tidal. The sound quality from its Hifi mode (lossless) is truly amazing and awesome. I have lot's of SACDs and lossless on even old recordings in 16/44 rivals it. If you felt sorry that there was not enough Hires content, try Tidal.
My little Chord Hugo dac produces sound that is about on par with my EMM XDS1 cdp. The Tidal streaming even sounds better than the Hires downloads I tried from Acoustic Sounds and Musicdirect. I'm not kidding. I hope people support this because I don't want it to go out of business. Please give it a try. I'm just a user and longtime audiophile with no other interest than keeping this remarkable service alive so I and others can use it.
Someone help me. I have an old Mac Mini (2009, version 10.5.8). 
I have 3 problems:
1)  Tidal says lossless is only sent via the "hifi" setting, and Google chrome is needed for hifi. I can't get Google chrome on app store cuz 10.5.8 won't accept it. So should I download 10.6 (but doing so might result in a loss of items or music from my mini). Or should I take this opportunity to get a newer, faster mini with SS drive?

2) Can I control Tidal from my Android phone while my dac plays Tidal? Can I control volume from my phone too? If I have to get up and change music from the mouse and keyboard then forget Tidal.

3) My phone "pairs" with my computer but my computer (or airport express), can't pair with my phone. The computer sees the LG4 phone, but won't connect.

Alao, do i run a hard wire from my airport to my computer? 

Sorry for all the questions. I'm just pretty stuck here.

If you are having buffering issues, you don't have the throughput.  You say you have 'decent' speeds.  Decent is fine for spotify and MP3s but if you want to dance with Tidal, you need 'fast' not 'decent'.  Tidal is the real deal. All else pale. If you can't run Tidal, fix the shortcomings in your system so you can enjoy it.  .
I bought a brand new Mini and new ipad. I get "hifi" quality on Tidal when using the computer and monitor. However, I can't control Tidal with my ipad. When I choose tracks with the ipad the sound comes through the ipad's speakers only. 
My ipad surfs the internet just fine as it and my new Time Capsule "see" each other perfectly.  I just can't control Tidal with the Ipad and make the music come through the main system FROM THE IPAD.
What am I doing wrong?
@devilboy Ok perhaps some clarification, do you mean an Auralic Aries Mini? If so you need to download the  DS Lightning Server app from Auralic onto your ipad, and then you can control Tidal via that app. I hope that makes sense.