Which integrated amp would you pick?

Musical Fidelity M6 or Parasound Halo? Any thoughts would be very much appreciated. 

Neither one.
Please stop advertising Parasound Halo.
Mediocre Integrated amplifier

+1 stereo5

Topten, who are you to tell me what to post! "Misguided self proclaimed forum cop"?

The OP asked about the Intergrated Parasound Halo, and I gave him the facts and a link to read about it’s subjective reviewed sound and measurements in Stereophile to back them up!

Cheers George

I have not heard the M6 but have owned the A3.2, A308, KW500, and NuVista 800. I really liked all of them. The KW500 was fantastic (still have it for when I put my second system in place). The NuVista 800 is truly world class in my opinion. However, I have not heard a Parasound amp for several years now--I did like it though I can't recall which model. I agree with 2psyop. Listen for yourself.  When I started out, I spent countless hours listening to LOTS of gear at several excellent local HiFi shops. I identified a sound that appealed to me and have built on that sound, following the mantra of "same but better," as I have changed gear. It has served me well. I love my system. If you have questions about MuFi, contact Randy Bingham (in charge of US sales). He is very helpful, knowledgeable, and a nice guy.
@2psyop - are you saying that that $3500 of Parasound (A 21 and P3) separates are as good at the $7,000 M6500i? That would certainly swing my thinking towards Parasound, although I haven’t heard the Halo Integrated. Just curious, as I’m in the market for an integrated but am also considering looking at separates.

Thanks, Scott
Thanks everyone for their input...and yes I specifically asked about the Parasound  Halo. Thanks George and stereo 5 for your experience with this integrated.